Wendy Osserman



A solo choreographed and performed by Wendy Osserman in which three ancient Greek Furies give health tips, exercises, stories and a recipe. Presented by Dixon Place in June at Contagion Cafe on DPTV and by Theater for the New City's Lower Eastside Festival in May.


Masked & Gloved

“After working on FURIOUS I needed a change. The mask gave me a way to stop using my face and to take away my impulse to speak. I used only gloves & only mask before putting both together. Since making this video I returned to my role as a talkative Fury and alternately to a more silent character wearing the mask.”



FEAR Finale

Tisiphone, the youngest Ancient Greek Fury, stirs up the feeling of fear for health purposes.


I am grateful for the thoughtful feedback from partners Kate, Kev, Nicola, Cori, Monica and everyone in the weekly zoom meetings. It was inspiring to see the variety of work people did and to recognize parallel issues from one medium to another. It was a delight to talk about process with such articulate artists! I always felt energized after those zooms.

— Wendy


Emily Brandt

