Zuzka Kurtz & Jeff Donaldson-Forbes


“Our creative exchange produced a google doc on which we posted photos, text and comments. Kind of a diary created in the dark by two strangers, artists clinging to our dear old lives as an invisible killer whooshed in and out our subconscious and the hallow of our eyes. Nothing will be the same, that much we knew. Everything we created yesterday was irrelevant or will be so soon and tomorrow was already slipping away. This page, this workshop, became an anchor to our daily struggle. Virtually.”

— Zuzka

"As lockdowns began in earnest I welcomed the opportunity to engage artistically, but almost simultaneously the existential dread and the uncertainty of everything overwhelmed me. I'd entered the workshop with an intention to focus on rewriting two short plays but I found I couldn't muster much more than hunkering down with depression, any motivation I'd had now completely paralyzed. That Cori paired me, almost magically, with another artist who was grappling with a similar set of fears was a saving grace (and, I think, a lucky accident, since Cori couldn't have known how stuck we both were about to be feeling). While neither Zuzka nor I focused on the projects we'd indicated in our sign-up to the experience, our shared Google album, through which we tried to inform and inspire one another on a mostly-daily basis, remains a treasured talisman."



Nicola van Straaten


Marlaina Riegelsberger